Furnish & Co App
Furnish & Co is an app meant to facilitate the stresses and woes of furnishing a home. From the comfort of your phone, plan out your home with a click of a button!
Decorating a home...
It's fun, until it isn't.
With living spaces varying from one place to another, it can be difficult to understand the scale of bed, a couch, or a whole dining table. Wall art that looked incredible on a curated wall may look 'questionable' against someone's painted walls.
Our solution, from us to you!
"Home is where the Heart is," so let
Furnish & Co. take a burden off your shoulders and together we can visualize
your home with the help of your camera!

How we started
All projects start somewhere, and when there's a problem, we can start finding solutions
For this digital and interactive space, we wanted to ensure a user's ease of comfort whenever using this app, so we conducted both market and user research in order to move forward in decision making. Through multiple rounds of user-testing and follow ups, we used the provided constructive feedback to continuously develop our app's strengths and weaknesses.

Turning Data into an Experience

What users see when they...
First Open Up the App

Start Shopping

See an Item They Like

Explore the App

Look and Feel of Furnish & Co.
Users should be able to feel secure, confident, and comfortable when adding goods to their homes.
With that in mind, my partner and I designed Furnish & Co. to be minimalistic, modern, and welcoming.

Consistent grids that are clear and organized
Void of excessive visual information to prevent overload and noise
Intuitive design that works with familiar apps
Primary Color Set
(Hex Code: FFBF00)
Associated with: Happiness, Boldness and Energy
Navy Blue
(Hex Code: 27445C)
Associated with: Security, trust, and loyalty
Pale Yellow
(Hex Code: FFFAEA)
Associated with: Neutrality, calming, and subtlety
Poppins Black
Ah yes, a simple sans serif font that is easily legible and accessible to a wide consumer audience
Lato Black
Another sans serif font that is similar to 'Poppins,' but not quite. It does not carry the same thickness and strength as 'Poppins,' making it gentle to read.
Now imagine the same text above, but BOLDER.